What Are Reasons For Eviction in California?
Typical reasons include non-payment of rent or other fees pursuant to the rental or lease agreement – which can include utilities, late fees and other fees besides rent.
The most common reason for eviction is not paying rent – including repeated late payment of rent or bounced rent checks.

There can be several reasons for eviction however, that go beyond not paying rent and other fees agreed to in their rental or lease agreement. These can include causing disturbances and nuisances for other tenants, degrading the living conditions of others by accumulating waste on the property, or criminal activity like selling drugs. This can be legally bound with the type of rental or lease agreement you have with the tenant, or if you are under rent control.
For example, if tenants are not complying with the terms of their rental agreement or lease, you can serve an Eviction Notice based upon non-compliance. This is usually a 3 Day Notice to Perform or Quit based upon specific elements of their agreement they are not complying with.
For example, unknown occupants are living in a unit. When a tenant signs a lease, the names of all parties living in the property should be on the lease agreement. If you discover there are additional people living in the unit that have not been named on the lease agreement, you can file for an eviction if the legal tenants do not comply with removing the unauthorized occupants within a specified period of time.
Another example is a tenant hoarding and leaving trash and debris all over the property and they signed a lease declaring they would up-keep the premises. You can serve them a notice to perform pursuant to their lease, and if they do not comply, you have grounds to file an eviction against them.
Depending upon the length of their tenancy – if the tenant has been renting the property for over or under a year – and if they have been renting on a month to month basis, you can serve either a 30 or 60 Day Eviction Notice.
Where the owner acquires the property at auction or a trustees or foreclosure sale, they can ask the former owner of the property to quit within 3 Days – and tenants to quit the property within 90 Days.
People can also be evicted if they are still holding possession of a property after a lease agreement has expired. If the owner doesn’t want to renew the tenant’s lease – and providing the landlord has not accepted payment of rent after the expiration of the lease agreement – we can file an Unlawful Detainer based upon the tenant holding over after the lease agreement has expired.
How to Evict a Tenant – Fast!
What are Landlord Rights?
Define Eviction, Unlawful Detainer
What is the California Eviction Process?
What is an Eviction Notice & How Many Days Notice?
How to Serve & File an Eviction Notice
How Long Does it Take to Evict a Tenant?
How Much Does it Cost to Evict Someone?
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