Free California Eviction Notices & Get Started Packets
These free Eviction Notices are for landlords and property managers in the state of California who need to serve a legal notice to their tenant.
Fast Eviction Service provides free California eviction forms and packets to help you get your eviction started.
Get Started Packets
These packets help get your case started with us. The first 3 items listed below are for a new collection, eviction, or small claims case. They contain all forms and instructions needed to start your case, simply fill and fax to us. If you have any questions regarding which packet to download or how to fill them out, give us a call at (800) 686-8686 and we’ll be happy to help you get started.
- Collection Agreement Packet
- Small Claims Packet
- Eviction Packet
- Eviction Packet – LA County
- Eviction Packet – LA City
Free California Eviction Fillable Notices
Click on the free eviction notice you are looking for and fill out the form to generate your FREE pdf. You can call our office or email us if you have any questions.
Fast Eviction Service can also serve the notice for you. We have process servers delivering landlord notices to tenants on a daily basis and can deliver your California eviction letter the same day in most cases.
Click on the form you would like to use:
In order to view and print these sample forms, you need Adobe Reader
- 3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit
- Notice to Reclaim Abandoned Property (Value over $700)
- Notice to Reclaim Abandoned Property (Value under $700)
- Disposition of Security Deposit
Form Instructions and Information
These free sample California Eviction Forms are printable after you fill in the fields and click the “Generate” button at the bottom of the form.
Sample Notices & Templates
To legally evict a tenant, it is essential your tenant eviction letter is the correct form and is legally served to the tenant to the full letter of the law.
Most evictions begin with either a 3 Day, 30 Day Notice to Vacate or 60 Day Notice to Vacate.
The 3 Day Notice is usually for nonpayment of rent, but may also be given for other breaches of the rental agreement. Examples of other reasons that are grounds for the removal of a tenant besides nonpayment of rent include having pets without the landlord’s consent, collecting waste on the premises, or disturbing the peace of other tenants.
Whether a 30 or 60 Day Notice to Vacate is served usually depends upon how long the tenant has been renting. If the tenant has been renting the property for under a year – and if they have been renting on a month to month basis – you serve a 30 Day. If over a year a 60 Day Letter.
Most 30 Day and 60 Day Notices to Vacate do not have to include a reason, but there are several exceptions to the general rule. If the rental agreement is under a Section 8 (Housing Authority) contract or in a local jurisdiction that requires the eviction to be for good cause, the removal of a tenant will require a reason.
No notice is required when the lease term expires and the tenancy has not been converted to a month to month tenancy by the agreement or by the landlord’s consent or conduct.
Evictions after a foreclosure require either a 3 Day or 30 Day Notice, depending on the status of the occupant as the former owner or a tenant of the former owner.
We provide landlords these free printable sample eviction notice templates to help protect your landlord rights at each step of the California Unlawful Detainer process.
How to Evict a Tenant – Fast!
What are Landlord Rights?
Define Eviction, Unlawful Detainer
What are the Reasons for Eviction?
What is the California Eviction Process?
What is an Eviction Notice & How Many Days?
How to Serve & File an Eviction Notice
How Long Does it Take to Evict a Tenant?
How Much Does it Cost to Evict Someone?
Landlord Tips Blog Articles
Top Ten Reasons To Do An Eviction
Under California Law, the top ten reasons for removing a tenant are: Non-payment of rent, non-payment of security deposit, failure to pay late rent fee or utility charges, unauthorized occupants, pets, hoarding or creating messes, alteration to the premises. illegal subletting, noise, and illegal activity such as drug dealing or gang activity. Read More…
Common Eviction Mistakes That Landlords Must Avoid
Eviction is the only legal procedure to regain possession of your rental property from a tenant. Landlords must understand that each state has its own specific set of rules for the removal of a tenant. Any failure abiding by these rules on the landlord’s part can result in legal problems and delays resulting in the entire Unlawful Detainer process being thrown out of court and requiring it to be restarted afresh – costing you more lost time and money. Read More…
Lessons Learned From First Time Tenant Eviction
If you do not follow the law and prepare yourself for the Unlawful Detainer proceedings correctly, your eviction can become very expensive quickly. We’re talking about multiple month’s rent, serving fee, eviction fee to the Sheriff’s department, moving fee (in the case you have to forcefully remove the tenant), storage fees and more. Evictions can have a lot of hidden costs if you don’t consult with an landlord attorney to get the process done as swiftly and diligently as possible. Read More…