Let’s go over how to fill out a 3 day notice to pay rent or quit.
We’ll use the free notice available here for this example.

*Fill out the full legal name of the owner for Plaintiff.
*Fill out any and all known full legal names of the tenants and AKAs for Defendants.
*Again, fill out the names of known tenants in the TO field. In case your form doesn’t include it, make sure you add “And all other occupants in possession.”
You are hereby notified that pursuant to the lease or agreement dated (here you put the date your lease was signed. If there is no lease, N/A is sufficient.
Let’s continue
Under which you hold the possession of the premises described in this notice, there is now due, unpaid, and delinquent rent the in the following amounts for the following specified periods.
If there is a balance due for a specific month, put that first. So for our example, rent is 1,000 a month and for December 2018, they paid 500. There is a 500 overdue balance. So we’ll put $500 due from December 1 2018, through December 31, 2018. Then we’ll go ahead and fill out the next line, $1,000 due from January 1st, 2019 through January 31, 2019.
Then we go down for a total sum of $1,500 written out and the number amount.
You are further notified that within three days after service of this notice on you, you must pay the amount of rent stated in this notice in full or quit the premises and deliver up possession of the premises to the undersigned, who is authorized to receive possession of the premises, or the undersigned will institute legal proceedings for unlawful detainer against you to recover possession of the premises and to recover all rents and damages due.
You are further noticed that the undersigned elects and does declare a forfeiture of the lease or agreement if the rent stated in this notice is not paid in full within the 3 days.
The premises that are the subject of this notice are described as…(here we will put the tenants full address, with zip code and any other useful information such as “backyard shack” or “upstairs third bedroom to the right” etc.
We put the name of the person who filled out the notice and is authorized to serve this notice; we fill out the date you will be serving the notice.
Next is the person who shall be paid. This part is important. You must fill out the full legal name or the landlord or property management company authorized to receive payments, the address of where payment is to be sent and if it’s a direct deposit, you must put the account number and name of the bank. Days and hours that payments can be received and contact information is also mandatory.
Now you print two copies, and follow the protocols of serving a notice.
Remember, you can always go to fastevict.com and use their free online notice generator for most of the common types of notices. You can also call 1-800-686-8686 and a representative will gladly assist you.