Updated 6/17/24
Senate Bill 567, signed into law by Governor Newsom and authored by Senator Maria Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, is set to take effect on April 1, 2024. This landmark legislation brings significant amendments to the eviction procedures outlined in AB 1482, specifically addressing no-fault evictions due to substantial remodels and owner or family member move-ins. The bill aims to close perceived loopholes in landlord practices, ensuring greater fairness and protection for tenants across California.

Key Changes in Owner/Family Member Move-In Evictions
One of the critical areas SB 567 targets is the eviction process for owner or family member move-ins. The new law introduces several stringent requirements to prevent misuse of this eviction reason:
Occupancy Requirement
The legislation mandates that the owner or family member moving into the property must reside there for a minimum of 12 continuous months as their primary residence. This provision ensures that the eviction is genuinely for personal use rather than a pretext for removing tenants.
Existing Occupancy and Vacancies
Evictions under this category are prohibited if the intended occupant already resides on the property or if there is a similar vacancy available. This rule is designed to protect tenants from being unnecessarily displaced.
Notice Details
Landlords are now required to provide a detailed 30/60 day notice specifying the names and relationships of the individuals moving in. Additionally, tenants have the right to request proof of the relationship, adding a layer of transparency to the process.
Move-In Timeline
The owner or family member must move into the unit within 90 days of the tenant vacating. If this timeline is not met, the displaced tenant may be entitled to compensation, ensuring accountability from the landlord’s side.
Tenant Contact Information
Tenants interested in reoccupying the unit after a remodel should inform the owner and provide their contact details, including address, telephone number, and email. This provision keeps tenants in the loop and gives them the opportunity to return to their homes.
Key Changes in Substantial Remodel Evictions
SB 567 also tightens regulations around evictions for substantial remodels, aiming to prevent landlords from using remodeling as a pretext for evicting tenants:
Notice Content
The 30/60 day notice to tenants must now clearly state the owner’s intent to demolish or substantially remodel the property. It must also inform tenants of their right to re-rent the unit under the previous terms if the remodel does not take place.
Description and Duration
The notice must provide a detailed description of the type of remodeling planned and its expected duration. In cases of demolition, it should specify the anticipated date. This requirement ensures tenants are well-informed about the nature and timeline of the work.
Permit Disclosure
Landlords must furnish tenants with copies of remodeling permits or, if relevant, a contract with the contractor responsible for hazardous material abatement. This measure increases transparency and helps tenants verify the legitimacy of the remodel.
Tenant Option
Tenants must be informed of their option to express interest in reoccupying the unit after the remodel. They should provide the necessary contact details to the landlord, ensuring they are considered for re-rental when the property is ready.
Implications of SB 567
The enactment of SB 567 marks a significant shift in California’s approach to tenant protection. By addressing the loopholes in the existing laws, the bill aims to create a more balanced relationship between landlords and tenants. The new requirements ensure that evictions for owner or family member move-ins and substantial remodels are genuine and necessary, rather than being exploited as a tactic to displace tenants.
For landlords, the new law means stricter compliance and greater accountability. They must provide detailed notices, adhere to move-in timelines, and ensure transparent communication with tenants. For tenants, SB 567 offers enhanced security and the assurance that their rights are protected against unjust evictions.
As SB 567 takes effect on April 1, 2024, it is crucial for both landlords and tenants to familiarize themselves with the new requirements. Understanding the specifics of the law will help in navigating the changes and ensuring that the rights and responsibilities of both parties are upheld.