Los Angeles County Relocation Assistance Guide

If you’re a property owner or landlord who owns rental property in Los Angeles county and are thinking of evicting your tenant or temporarily displacing your tenant, you may be required to provide your tenant Los Angeles County Relocation Assistance.

What is LA County relocation assistance?

Relocation assistance is a benefit your tenant may be eligible for depending on where your rental property is located. Landlords may be required to provide assistance in the form of money, comparable accommodations and/or services from a professional in finding a new place to live.

When is LA County relocation assistance required?

Landlords are required to provide relocation assistance to their tenant when their property is located in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County or in cities that don’t have their own relocation assistance program when a tenant is either permanently or temporarily removed from their rental units for reasons that are no fault of their own.

What is considered permanent or temporary displacement?

A permanent displacement is considered when a tenant is evicted for a no-fault reason such as

  • The tenant is evicted so that an owner or family member can move in.
  • Removal of the rental unit from the market
  • Complying to a government order

A temporary displacement is considered when a tenant is temporarily removed from their rental unit for either of the following reasons:

  • Necessary repairs
  • Major rehabilitation and upgrades
  • Health or safety violations
  • Any type of work that can’t be completed while a tenant lives in the unit

Who qualifies for relocation assistance?

Any tenant who lives in rental units subject to Rent Stabilization and Tenant Protections Ordinance in unincorporated areas of LA County who are being evicted for no fault reasons or who are being temporarily displaced.

How much relocation assistance do permanently removed tenants get?

Relocation Assistance Amounts

Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025

Tenant TypeEligible TenantQualified Tenant
Less than 3 Years$10,300$21,750
3 years or more$13,500$25,700
Under HUD Low Income Limit Qualified$13,500$25,700
Mom & Pop tenants$9,900$19,950
Single family dwellingOne month’s rentOne month’s rent

Relocation assistance is calculated on the size of the unit and not the number of tenants who reside in the rental unit.

Qualified & lower income tenants

Seniors, persons with disabilities or households with minors are considered “Qualified”. Lower-Income tenants are defined by California Health and Safety Code 50079.5. If either a qualified or lower-income tenant lives in the household, the landlord must pay that amount for relocation assistance.

When should eligible tenants receive relocation assistance?

For permanent evictions, the landlord should provide the tenant access to the funds at the time the landlord serves the notice of termination.

For temporary displacement, the landlord should provide the funds directly to the tenant prior to the displacement or at another agreed upon time.

Have additional questions? Please contact our office at 1-800-686-8686.