When a landlord in California wins a judgment against a tenant in court such as an eviction, you get a written statement from the court which lists the judgment and the sum awarded to you in the form of damages.

You now have to collect those damages. And if the thoughts of having to continue to deal with the bad tenant you already went through the ordeal of evicting, many landlords would prefer to simply hand the whole matter over to an expert California Court Judgment Collection Agency at no out of pocket cost to the landlord for a 40% commission of the amount actually collected.
A money judgment can be very powerful, since it permits the creditor and the collection agency to use the Courts in order to straightforwardly seize the resources of the debtor; which can be property or cash or both.
In most states including California, the money judgment only lasts for 10 years. There is a limit on how long a judgment can stand. So when it expires, the judgment has to be renewed if you still want to continue. The compensation awarded keep gathering interest, sometimes at 7% and regularly at 10%. At this rate, the interest doubles the original sum in a few years.
By using a collection agency that is experienced and professional you can be sure you avoid any of problems landlords often fall into trying to collect from a former bad tenant, including:
- 1. Lie or put forth deceptive expressions to seek payment.
- 2. Annoy or harass the debtor.
- 3. Approach someone else for more than the essential data about the debtor’s location.
- 4. Unless the creditor has a wage withholding order from the court, the creditor cannot tell others, especially his employers that the debtor owes you money.
- 5. Contact you at unreasonable hours, like before 8 am in the morning or after 9 pm at night.
A skilled Landlord Court Judgment Collection Agency with a Writ of Execution can:
- 1. Seize financial balances of any sort, including checking and reserve funds.
- 2. Confiscate salary.
- 3. Grab any hard resources that can be discovered.
- 4. Seize obligations owed to the judgment indebted person.
- 5. Grab any benefit of significant worth claimed by the judgment account holder that the law did not excluded from execution.
Genuine property possessed by the judgment account holder may be confiscated. In this regard, an archive called an “abstract of judgment” is documented. It goes about as a programmed lien against any property claimed by the account holder inside the province.
The creditor obviously wants a skilled Court Judgment Collection Agency who knows how to find the assets of the indebted person so they can be recovered. The creditor can ask the court for an Order of Examination, which allows the creditor to ask the debtor about the whereabouts of their property under oath.
If the debtor fails to show up, the judge can issue a warrant for his arrest. The judgment indebted person usually doesn’t make it that simple for the judgment creditor, and will often endeavor to conceal resources or exchange them with outsiders. After he tells the creditor everything under oath, the creditor can ask the judge to order the debtor not to move his holdings.
A regular response of a judgment indebted person who knows they are going to get called upon to satisfy the judgment is to move resources into their companion’s or their relative’s name. In any case, unless an honest exchange is paid for the transactions (in that case the indebted person must verify for what happened to the cash), the person who got the property can wind up as a litigant in a lawful activity brought by the judgment creditor. In this case, a lawsuit that the exchange was designed to cheat him.
It is often troublesome for a landlord who has spent months or years battling a case to understand that the triumph in court wasn’t the last of it, but rather simply the start of another procedure. Landlords handing the Court Judgment Collection over to an experienced professional for a 40% commission on the amount actually collected is usually a far better deal for the landlord to get rid of a problem and recover 60% of the court ordered judgment rather than nothing.
At Fast Eviction Service, help on any of the issues discussed in this article is simply a click or phone call away. Email intake@fastevict.com or call our office at (800) 686-8686 to discuss your questions for a free evaluation of your case.