Posts Filed Under: Misc

Here are some articles regarding Misc

Someone Please Help Save Us! We Are Being Treated Like The Indians

Posted on: 02/08/2023

After three years of being impacted by the COVID pandemic, LA City announces a new ordinance that will be in place until February 1, 2024. The ordinance has many provisions, including new notice requirements and changes in the dates they take effect. LA County’s moratorium extension will govern units not governed by the city’s restrictions. ..Read More

Michael C Earl Introduction Letter

Posted on: 01/29/2020

Dear Client: The managers and staff of Fast Eviction Service Law Group would like to announce to our clients that our main associate counsel of record will be transitioning from H.G. Long to Fast Law Group and M. C. Earle as the new lead attorney. You can expect the same excellent and efficient service ..Read More

Six Must-Not Have Appliances For Your Rental Property

Posted on: 09/25/2017

It is true that addition of necessary appliances for your rental property like refrigerator or cooking range make the property more attractive to tenants but there are some items that can and do create liability issues and maintenance problems. The following list will introduce you to those must-not have appliances and amenities at your rental unit.

Disabled Tenants Rights: How Landlords Should Deal with Disabled Tenants

Posted on: 08/14/2016

As a landlord, you will be approached by all kinds of tenants. One day you might just receive a disabled prospective tenant. Do you know how to help them? Chances are that you are unsure of the rights that protect disabled tenants.  What are disabled tenants rights? For instance, did you know that you cannot ..Read More

California Water Drought: What does it Mean for Landlords?

Posted on: 06/05/2015

California is in its worst water drought since record keeping began in 1950. Snow from the Sierra Nevada supplies about a third of the state’s fresh water supply, and a lower snowpack means less water in California’s water reservoirs to meet consumer’s demands for the summer and fall.