What is The California Eviction Process

Here is the road map of the California Eviction process and how to respond at the critical crossroads if tenants chose to contest the eviction

The Eviction Process

Before filing an actual eviction, the property owner or manager needs to serve a notice to the tenant. This notice can be served on the basis of unpaid rent, property damage, illegal activities, or breach of rental agreement. If the tenant fails to respond to the specified notice time period, then the property owner or manager can file the eviction with the Superior Court, called an Unlawful Detainer.

Contested Eviction

After filing the unlawful detainer with the court, the tenant then has a period of 10-15 days to respond. If the tenant responds and decides to fight the case, this becomes a contested eviction. A trial date is set, and the property manager needs to go to court and present their case. Fast Eviction Service can represent you in court when your trial date arrives. We have highly qualified California Eviction attorneys with years of experience ready to work for you. Call (800) 686-8686 for more information.

Uncontested Eviction

If the tenant fails to respond after the 10-15 day period from the Unlawful Detainer filing date with the court, then the case becomes an uncontested eviction. There is no need for a trial date to be set, shortening the eviction process in most cases. The costs associated with an uncontested eviction are usually lower, but other circumstances can appear in both, contested and uncontested evictions. Click here for more information about uncontested evictions.

Other Considerations

There is a waiting period in between each step of the eviction process, all depending on the court in which the unlawful detainer was filed. Other circumstances can present themselves that can delay the eviction, such as tenants filing for bankruptcy.

We at Fast Eviction Service have dealt with every eviction case imaginable, and have developed the proper workflows in order to process each step as quickly and efficiently as possible. Provided for your convenience below is the California Eviction process map which highlights the important steps in the process.

We keep our clients informed each step of the way, and let them know the expected days for each one. If you have any questions please give us a call at (800) 686-8686 and one of our friendly staff members will answer any questions you may have.

California Eviction Process Map

The California Eviction map can also be downloaded here in pdf format.

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